Page 35 - Clarion February 2018
P. 35
Clarion Clippings - The Local News
Caroline Lane explains: Most schools get an Ofsted inspection at intervals,
The Friends of Cleobury Primary School would to check that they are measuring up to the
like to organise a fundraising event in the form of standards set by the Ministry of Education. But if
a treasure hunt by way of an Easter egg hunt. It is your school is a Church of England institution, it’s
to be a series of questions that families will have the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and
to scour the town for answers to earn their Easter Methodist Report that rates you. And they look
eggs. very closely at the standards observed in the
We are looking to do one set of questions aimed teaching of religious belief and the way this is
at children, but also wondered if a set of cryptic practised in day to day life.
questions might make it enjoyable for parents/ Kinlet had their latest inspection on December
grandparents/ friends to join in. That’s where we 8th and once again were rated ‘Good’. There was
need help: are there any crossword enthusiasts/ praise for the communication between head
town historians, that might be happy to work teacher Anita Raymond and her team with the
with us and indeed enjoy the challenge of putting parents and the governing body.
the questions sets together? It’s a detailed document, available for parents
Dates and details are to be confirmed, but if current and prospective to examine. The school’s
there are any willing volunteers please can they stated mission is that the children should ‘love to
c o n t a c t m e a t t h e learn and learn to love’. Something the rest of the world could learn from.
email address. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM
If any volunteers do not have email available,
the school number is 01299 270313. YOUR PHARMACY?
Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group are
WHAT A KIND IDEA asking people to say what they want from their
Jenny Vanderhook is well known as the driving local pharmacy, with a download available from
force behind the Christmas Shoe Boxes that are
decorated, filled with gifts and sent to needy help-shape-the-future-of-pharmaceutical-services-
children in various countries. It’s a measure of the in-shropshire/
success of the idea that the area now sends over You’ll gather they don’t do brevity, but it is a
1,000 boxes every year. useful way of establishing local needs.
To acknowledge the help she has received from As not every Clarion reader uses a computer, we
so many volunteers, Jenny is organising a ‘Thank have asked if there will be printed versions you
You Party’ on March 3rd. The volunteers bring can collect from our pharmacy. There were none
their contributions to the supper and the bar and there when we went to press. Hope we can tell
can expect a friendly atmosphere. Admission by you more in the next issue.
invitation only, of course.
Style House Salon
Your modern salon suitable for all ages
38 High Street,
Cleobury Mortimer
271919 DY14 8DQ
Cleobury Clarion - Page !35 - February 2018