Page 64 - Clarion February 2018
P. 64

Cleobury Mortimer          Kidderminster

                                                                           36 High Street    71 Coventry Street
                                                                       Cleobury Mortimer         Kidderminster
                                                                               DY14 8DQ               DY10 2BS

                                                                                     01299 271477
          Integrity and Service since 1831

          Yeldside Gardens                                     Bel-Air House
          Cleobury Mortimer                      £450,000      New Road                           £285,000
          A	beautifully	presented	five	bedroom	detached	residence	  A  fantastic  opportunity  to  purchase  this  individually  designed,
          offering	 flexible	 accommodation.	 Garage,	 driveway	  four  bedroom  house  built  in  the  1960’s,  which  requires  some
          parking	and	garden.																																																	EPC	D  modernisation.                                                     EPC TBC

          Residential	Sales                                 Lettings

          How	 do	 you	 assess	 offers	 received	 on	 your	  A	 clampdown	 on	 landlords	 who	 allow	 their	
          property?	 We	 advise	 our	 clients	 to	 consider	  rental	 property	 to	 decline	 into	 a	 poor	
          four	 key	 points	 when	 they	 receive	 an	 offer.	  condition	 is	 welcome	 news.	 A	 new	
          Firstly,	 the	 amount	 and	 how	 it	 relates	 to	 the	  Government	 Bill	 gives	 more	 power	 to	 the	
          valuation.	 Secondly	 the	 buyer’s	 position	 and	  tenant	by	allowing	them	to	take	legal	action	
          whether	 they	 are	 a	 first-time	 buyer	 or	 in	 a	  against	their	landlord	if	their	rental	property	
          chain.	 Thirdly,	 what	 the	 offer	 means	 for	 the	  is	 in	 a	 poor	 condition.	 Of	 course,	 the	 vast	
          seller’s	financial	situation	–	how	much	do	they	  majority	of	landlords	and	letting	agents	make	
          actually	need	in	order	to	move,		  sure	 their	 properties	 are	 in	 a	 good	 state	 of	
          in	terms	of	mortgage	deposit	etc.		  repair	and	respond	quickly		
          And	finally,	what	is	the		         when	problems	arise.	Landlords	
          motivation	of	the	buyer?	If		      will	have	to	ensure	the		
          they	have	been	wanting	to		        condition	of	their	property		
          move	into	your	street	for		        is	fit	to	live	in	at	the	start	of		
          months	they	are	much	more		        the	tenancy	and		
          likely	to	complete	than	if	they		  throughout	the	life	of	the		
          are	speculating	with	a	number		    occupancy.	
          of	offers	on	different	properties.	  Erica Hinwood   	            Coral Walrond
                                               MARLA  MNAEA                                     MARLA  MNAEA
                                             Offce Manager                                 Lettings Negotiator


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